Daily Archives: December 9, 2004

2 posts

NYT Notes SJCPL Blogs! WooHooo!

Dateline December 9, 2004: New York Times story Libraries Reach Out, Online By TIM GNATEK mentions my very own SJCPL! This, my friends, is one more example that LIS Weblogs have arrived and are being noticed. “Posting electronic versions of libraries’ holdings is only part of the library’s expanding online presence. Library Web sites are becoming information portals. Many, like the Saint Joseph’s County Library in South Bend, Ind., have created Web logs as community outreach tools. Here’s the link (login required): http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/09/technology/circuits/09libr.html?adxnnl=1&oref=login&adxnnlx=1102601642-A0MCaqBVo7Bhh6fYAy3YEQ I wish they would have linked to us but they didn’t. I womder how many folks may […]