Daily Archives: May 9, 2005

4 posts

Library Using Jybe for VR

Brian from Jybe reports: I wanted to point you the University of Northern Illinois and this link – http://www.niulib.niu.edu/ask-books.cfm. They are using JYBE for VR at their library via IE – went live this week. Basically, if you want help, you install JYBE and then click the link to join a session – that link will automatically connect them with a librarian. Wowza.. take a look…

Multiple Party Video Chat with iChat and Tiger!

Finally! I met some fellows who were able to test Tiger’s new multiple person video chat feature. Meikel (Michael) is in Germany and Dino is in London! Note that the video is not as crisp as one to one chats and the reflections of participants on the smooth surface of the virtual conference table. We will test again and hope to soon use an application such as this for virtual meetings with my LIS colleagues from all over the world! (So everyone buy a Mac!)