Daily Archives: July 22, 2005

2 posts

On Training in Libraries….

Training should be viewed as a necessity, not a luxury; as mandatory, not voluntary; and as comprehensive, not superficial. Training should be both theoretical and practical. The consequence of poor training will be that our users will lose confidence in librarians: They will think that librarians have joined the ranks of others that have fallen under the weight of emerging technologies, and they will see libraries as another institution that is threatened with extinction as the 21st century approaches. Krissoff, A. & Konrad, L. COMPUTER TRAINING FOR STAFF AND PATRONS, Computers in Libraries, Jan1998, Vol. 18, Issue 1

Libraries that “get” games (p. 45 GOT GAME)

Survey respondents “who had grown up playing games reported sharply different attitudes about the very foundations of business: risk, achievement, the vaule of their experience, their own capabilities….Without question, the game generation is already having business impact far beyond the Internet. The effects of video games in our economic lives will soon be hard to ignore. Firms (substitute LIBRARIES here) that “get” games will unlock assets at every level of their workforces. Firms (LIBRARIES) that don’t will wonder where all their best employees (and patrons) went.” This was a big “aha” moment for me.