Daily Archives: February 16, 2006

2 posts

Abram on Teens & Skateboards

http://stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com/archives/2006/02/being_truly_tee.html We need to ask ourselves which of our policies really are not working for us and which one’s need to be made positive and friendly. Let’s make sure we don’t extend our authority control issues with information to authoritarian control foci with users. Not good. Then let’s run our policies through a discussion with our teen advisors. Adventurous and visionary libraries know the value of this through experience.

Blogging & Wikis in Schools: A TTW Comment and Pointer

Into the TTW Comment hopper comes this: “I know that a lot of schools prohibit blogging. They even cancel student’s library admission cards if reveal that they use internet for that. What is the reason? Can’t we do what we want in our spare time?” And then I log into flickr, and see this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrichard/100494147/ Hopefully, soon we’ll have more of the latter (detailed here) than the former. Just sayin ‘. Thanks Will!