Daily Archives: April 8, 2006

4 posts

Library Associations & Flickr

While Jessamyn and Greg were making cookies and flickr-izing the recipe, the New Jersey library association was getting active on flickr. I was added as a contact. 🙂 New Jersey Library Association (Put up some pictures folks!) Through NJ, I found: Arkansas State Library (Check out Jack’s Retirement Party!) I’d like to see many more library associations jump into the Flickr pool.

The Inevitable Gen X Coup

Via The Goblin in the Library: An Essay by Brian S. Mathews He asks some good questions: Can we as a profession ever really get beyond the “it’s always been done like that” mentality and provide a catalog that patrons actually want to use? that tie directly into the 5 Phrases I Hope I Never Hear post.

10 Ways to Lose your Best People

http://www.mazar.ca/2006/04/08/10-ways-to-lose-your-best-people/ “10 Attitudes That Would Make this “techie” Librarian High-Tail it Out of Your Library” Another entry in the meme that makes some super good points by a librarian named Rochelle from Canada. Here’s #5: 5. Blogs are stupid. “Blog people” are even stupider. What’s a wiki? Why should I care? It’s best to approach all new applications not only with skepticism, but with active distrust and scorn.