A GTD Post: Superpatron on the Lighter Backpack


I’m rereading David Allen’s Getting Things Done, since it’s again relevant in how I’m trying to organize my infinite pile of things to do. I’m still using the Getting Calendar Done approach of using Google Calendar to capture tasks in a trusted, searchable place that’s not my inbox.

I’m about half way through the first chapter, and already my backpack is quite a bit lighter and better organized, some health insurance incompetence is being dealt with, and a very interesting job offer landed in my inbox. (Your mileage may vary.)

I find that when reading something like GTD it helps to have an index card handy to write down notes of things that are distracting you when you’re reading, like tasks that you’re pretty sure you need to take care of but don’t really know enough details to pin down and where you don’t want to drop everything to do it now.

Thanks for reminding me! I think a reread is in order as well!