Daily Archives: July 31, 2006

3 posts

Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries

http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n2/a25.html Jack M. Maness MLS, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries Many might consider IM a Web 1.0 technology, as its inception predates the technology market crash and it often requires the downloading of software, whereas most 2.0 applications are wholly web-based. It is here considered 2.0 as it is consistent with the tenets of Library 2.0: it allows a user presence within the library web-presence; it allows collaboration between patrons and librarians; and it allows a more dynamic experience than the fundamentally static, created-then-consume nature of 1.0 services. It is also considered 2.0 as it is becoming a more […]

SJCPL Circulation Staff Wiki

I am very proud of the SJCPL Circulation folks. They started a wiki after Staff Day this year to capture thoughts, brainstorms, all the times they say “No” to patrons and more. One of the circulations folks emailed this screenshot and said they’ve had meetings to discuss barriers to service! Rock ON!

“Can’t We Just Start Blogging Back at Them?”

http://www.longtail.com/the_long_tail/2006/07/the_audience_is.html Chris Anderson links to a video he uses in his talks: For the past year or so, I’ve been ending many of my speeches with this brilliant video by Peter Hirshberg of Technorati, and Michel Markman. They showed it first at at the D conference last year and a few times since then, such as the EG conference earlier this year. Now Michel’s uploaded it to YouTube for everyone to enjoy. Some of the lines, such as “There are a lot more of them than there are of us” and title of this post, are now permanently lodged in […]