Daily Archives: August 4, 2006

2 posts

Q & A on L2

imaginon 011 Originally uploaded by crr29061. Dr. Curtis Rogers took many pics of the Library 2.0 Tech Summit! Here I am sitting for a bit as we discuss audience questions. Here’d Curtis’ set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/curtisrogers/sets/72157594224240348/

PLCMC Technology Summit Kicks Off Learning 2.0 for Staff!

This blog has been set-up as part of PLCMC’s Learning 2.0 project to encourage staff to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the context of information on the Internet today. The objectives of this program are to: encourage exploration of Web 2.0 and new technologies by PLCMC staff. provide staff with new tools (that are freely available on the Internet) to better support PLCMC’s mission: Expanding minds, Empowering individuals and Enriching our community. reward staff for taking the initiative to complete 23 self-discovery exercises. http://plcmclearning.blogspot.com/ Yesterday, Michael Casey and I gave presentations at the […]