Daily Archives: December 7, 2006

3 posts

Dominican Faculty attend Gathering in Second Life for Cybrary

The mayor of Cybrary City, Paul Miller of Talis, will officially welcome Cybrary City residents and other interested librarians on Wed, December 6 at 2:30 pm sl time, 4:30 central, and 5:30 Eastern to welcome everyone. The welcome will be held on the plaza in front of the new conference center. Second Life Blog A few of the Dominican faculty gathered and we projected my Mac running SL up on the screen in a library training room yesterday for this event. Afterward, we toured some areas of the island and SL in general. My avatar got stuck in a sitting […]

Gaming & Libraries by Jenny Levine

You have new Picture Mail! Originally uploaded by The Shifted Librarian. I can’t wait to get my copy! Have you ordered yours? http://www.techsource.ala.org/ltr/gaming-and-libraries-intersection-of-services.html If you are any type of librarian and you are curious about all this talk about gaming, gamers, library services, learning and literacy, then this is certainly a publication to checkout. Even if I didn’t present with Jenny and write with her at TechSource, I’d still point you all to this resource!