You 2.0

Avatar Librarian on the cover of SLJDon’t miss Brian Kenney’s new editorial at School Library Journal:

Back when many of us signed up for this librarian gig, we were told that “keeping up” was a vital part of the job. That meant reading publications like SLJ, knowing what was being published in your field, tracking database content, while keeping abreast of your users’ world, whether that was elementary education or pharmacology.

Now it’s all changed. We still need to read our professional publications (in some format or other) and keep current with our users’ lives. But we also need to be active participants in the new Web, with its opportunities for community and collaboration. Today, keeping up can mean something very different, like learning how to fly in Teen Second Life, so you can get to your next author’s visit on time.

Welcome to librarianship in 2007

And don’t even miss the article on Teen Second Life by Kelly Czarnecki and Matt Gullett These will be useful readings in future classes!