Daily Archives: February 17, 2007

2 posts

Notes from Top Tech Trends at Ontario Library Association

Top Tech Trends room – left Originally uploaded by etches-johnson. Amanda Etches-Johnson on her Trends: “Blogs make your library human.” “The mindful adoption of social tools: be in our users’ space but be useful. John Blyberg on his Trends: “Lubricate the wheels of communication in your library via these new tools.” “Openness is the new trend..it’s an open world…are you unable or unwilling to adapt? Sharing content, thoughts and ideas should be the norm.” “I am heartened by the conversations taking place online about vendors, etc.”

FGL: Thoughts & prayers are with you…

The Feel Good Librarian writes: http://feelgoodlibrarian.typepad.com/feelgood_librarian/ As a customer service person, I am usually not comfortable asking for things. I am used to providing assistance, helping and encouraging people. I anticipate needs, ask follow up questions and provide current, historical and background information. Now, however, I have a request to make. I found out this week that I have cancer. I don’t mean to be melodramatic – this is a good kind to have, if there is such a thing, with a 97 percent cure rate. After surgery, I have one-time chemo. My hair won’t fall out and I won’t […]