Daily Archives: February 28, 2007

3 posts

Thought Advocates and Banning Social Networking, An ALA TechSource Interview

Read my interview with Robert Doyle: http://www.techsource.ala.org/blog/2007/02/thoughtful-advocates-an-ala-techsource-interview-with-ilas-robert-doyle.html “If people were better informed about social networking sites and knew and used basic Internet safety tips, the cloud of fear may decline.”—Robert Doyle, Executive Director of the Illinois Library Association

We Tagged Ourselves at OCLC Symposium

Michael Stephen’s self-tag Originally uploaded by Alice Sneary. OCLC did the coolest thing at Symposium in Seattle. The audience got to tag themselves via this nifty nametag and highlighter setup and then we collected the data and made a Tag Cloud. For the result, follow this link: http://scanblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-cloud-from-oclc-symposium.html

Another Excellent Use of Blogging in Schools

http://mlincoln.lishost.org/ Dr. Margaret Lincoln launches another book doiscussion blog at her school! Check it out! This Weblog brings together students, teachers, library media specialists and adults in our community. Through a reading of the memoir All But My Life by Holocaust survivor Gerda Weissmann Klein, we will participate in joint discussion and sharing of reflections. The project will culminate with an author visit to Battle Creek, Michigan on April 16, 2007.