2 shelves, 5 months, 40 books

2 shelves, 5 months, 40 books

Originally uploaded by scampion.

Steve from Pierce County Library used this Flickr photo to illustrate all the books he reviewed for the blog Mostly NF!

This interactive photo is my way of celebrating the 40 books I’ve reviewed in the Mostly NF book blog on my library’s website these last five months. Gathering all the books again for a group shot seemed appropriate for the milestone. Click any book in the picture.

I hope you have enjoyed reading ‘Mostly NF’ these last 5 months (and now listening to the podcasts!). I’ve always loved to read just about everything. Writing about them is a blast. So is seeing your comments in the blog. I look forward to sharing more books with you in the future.

Don’t Miss: http://www.piercecountylibrary.org/blogs.aspx?blog_id=5&posting_id=44