Daily Archives: August 11, 2009

3 posts

Top 100 Librarian Friendfeeds to Follow at Cheapie Online Degrees.COM

Heh – made you look! But really, check out Jessamyn’s spot on post about this irksome practice: http://www.librarian.net/stax/2970/why-i-dont-accept-guest-posts-from-spammers-or-link-to-them/ I get an email maybe once a week from someone with a human-sounding name saying they read my blog and think they have something my readers might be interested in. Or they offer to do a guest post on my blog. The link is usually some sort of vaguely useful list of something library-related but the URL of the website is not library-related. In fact the URL of the website is usually something like onlinenursepractitionerschools.com, searchenginecollege.com or collegedegree.com (which if you’ll notice […]


WEll, I won’t physically be there…but: http://www.america.gov/multimedia/askamerica.html#librarians The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) will hold its annual World Library and Information Congress, the 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, from August 23 to August 29 in Milan, Italy. Leaders in the field of library and information sciences from across the globe will gather at the conference, including representatives from U.S. Embassy libraries.Join U.S. Embassy Rome and CO.NX as we host a series of video webchats in conjunction with the IFLA conference. From August 23 to August 25, leading American librarians will discuss issues of importance to the […]