Daily Archives: October 21, 2011

4 posts

Participatory Culture: Building the Skills of Library & Museum Professionals

I’ve been looking forward to this session – focused on how we teach future library and museum professionals. First up, David Lankes, Professor, Director, Masters in Library and Information Science, Syracuse University, School of Information Studies, Syracuse, New York, explored  this statement: The mission of librarians is to improve society through facilitating knowledge creation in their communities. He posited that knowledge is creation through conversation. I really appreciate his idea of focusing more on the librarian not the library – fascinating! Consider this quote from Lankes: “Why showcase culture if we are not enabling conversations about that culture?” Amen. For more see: http://www.newlibrarianship.org/wordpress/ Nest […]

Participatory Culture: Communication & Technology

Noha Adly, Deputy Head, ICT Sector, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt, explored various technologies in use at her library as well as by some insights about the way people are interacting with technology and information. Key areas of importance: search beyond text, user interaction with devices and data, and new representations of data. She also called for an increase in tools that enhance and enable multilingualism for search and retrieval. A favorite quote: should we provide  an “Invitation to spoil the catalog” with user input! – love this idea. Also – library is building a digital archive of Egyptian Revolution: +230K […]

Challenges and Opportunities of Participatory Culture for Museums and Libraries (part II)

http://www.imamuseum.org/blog/2011/10/21/the-challenges-and-opportunities-of-participatory-culture-for-museums-and-libraries-part-ii/   Rob Stein blogs from the Seminar three questions for consideration: 1. How can museums aid in addressing the socio-economic consequences of a widening technology gap? A number of participants spoke eloquently about the social and economic consequences that impact marginalized communities who lack the same easy-access to technology that many of us take for granted.  This lack of access means a lack of opportunity to engage with the cultural evolutions of content produced online and critical dialogs taking place on blogs, twitter and cultural websites. The prevalence of information access is contributing to a changing set of skills […]

Participatory Culture: Communication & Technology – My Presentation

  I’m part of the Communication & Technology plenary this morning. My slides are here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/239835/SalzburgStephens.pdf  I’m planning to talk briefly about the four areas of technology/trends and how participation from community of users can enhance information environments, library service and our interactions with each other. This post is a reflection/response to questions posed at the Salzburg Global Seminar program Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture, exploring the challenges, solutions and potential for participatory services within libraries and museums. Join the conversation: https://tametheweb.com/2011/10/19/join-the-conversation-libraries-museums-in-an-era/ Special Thanks to the Salzburg Global Seminar  and IMLS for the invitation to participate in this event.