Daily Archives: December 4, 2012

1 post

If you read anything about e-books this winter, read this…

http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/trade-shows-events/article/54958-the-p-l-sheet-ala-preview-2012.html Brian Kenney writes his first Publishers Weekly column: What do I want to come in 2013? What I want is simple: more chaos. I have no interest in trying to replicate our old print models or owning e-books. I’m enough of a librarian to want someone out there to maintain a permanent copy—but please don’t make it be me. My collection is dynamic and ever changing. There are few titles I want to access after three years, fewer still after eight. I want business models that will support this fluidity. I actually like the model created by HarperCollins—once reviled, […]