Some folk may be wondering where I’m at with school. One reason, beyond stealing some unplugged moments, that there have not been many TTW posts in August is that I was busy completeing the summer semester and continuing work on my preliminary research.
With the completion of the Summer Session I have 4 semesters under my belt! These last two semesters of coursework will involve individual study, preparation of a poster hopefully selected for the 2006 ALISE meeting, and the launch of a web survey I’ve been working on looking at – gasp – librarians who blog!
(What? Another survey, you say? Yes…please watch for it this fall if you are a librarian or library worker who blogs! I have to have it all approved by the Institutional Review Board at UNT)
I am also happy to report I will be teaching at Dominican University GSLIS this fall!! Here’s the course description:
An introduction to the fundamentals of the Internet, including its origins, evolution, architecture, current issues, and future. Students will gain a basic understanding about Web content languages, Web site management, and design/usability principles. Students will also be introduced to the fundamentals of telecommunications and networking with examples drawn from the Internet. Critical Internet issues such as search engine limitations, security, privacy, copyright, governance, and other related topics will also be discussed. Prerequisites or co-requisites: 701 and 703.
My class will be taught over three weekends this fall and I am really looking forward to it. I will blog some of theexperience as well. The folks at Dominican have been absolutley incredible helping me get started.
Stay tuned for more…