Glenn peterson comments on this post: Wondering if patrons are using this feature? We received 770 comments during the first full month after rollout, contributed by 635 patrons. Wowza! Those are some good numbers! It will be interesting to see the 6 and 12 month numbers. I would think the ROI for engaging patrons in the catalog via commenting will prove to be very good!
Daily Archives: July 7, 2006
I’ve been thinking a lot about stories lately. I’ve even used the phrase “What story is your library telling?” as an IM away message. So imagine the synchronicity, when into the TTW comment bin comes a nice pointer to a post by Phyllis at “Something New Everyday” — she’s adapted Brenda Hough’s eight training tips for her library: “Eight Tips for Learning in a Changing World,” including this “Look for the story that exists in every situation.” It reminded me of the images we’ve seen snapped in some libraries of some not very friendly signage mostly about cell phones. Remember, […]
Absolutely wonderful, thoughtful post from David Warlick on a chance ride to the conference center with a school librarian. The library that people remember from their school experience (decades ago) seems to have less meaning when we have access to a global library of information with a mouse-click. But this logical piece of visionary budgeting misses an essential point in where education is evolving. When the child graduates, the teacher will be gone. The classroom will be gone. The textbooks will be gone. But for the first time in history, continual learning will be the ONLY road to prosperity. […]