I’m doing a CLA 2006 Infopeople Mini-Demo today. The topic is FLICKR! Here are the resources:
Web 2.0 Commonalities:
Tagging Hey! Does this conference have a tag? It should! (Update: Just saw bethh Gallaway, she decided the tag is CLA2006!
Ten Ways to Use Flickr in Your Libraries:
To show the face of the Teen Advisory Board
To highlight Programs & Some Young Library Users
To create a presence in the site itself
To create an easy virtual tour for users and staff!
To store and use images for Wikis, etc
To promote what your teens are doing at the library and a book sale!
To share the library’s history.
To commemorate the first patron of the new bookmobile!
To celebrate Harry Potter Day!
To promote the state library association’s conference — putting a face on the association.
To promote a way to thank our users with fortunes hidden around the library!
To share images of Staff In-Service Day with the community – that’s transperancy at work!