Monthly Archives: December 2006

70 posts

Librarian 2.0

Wandering Eyre points to a Job 2.0 Librarian 2.0, Wilkinson Public Library, Telluride (Open Until Filled) Librarian to deliver techno-savvy reference to an educated, enlightened resort community in SW Colorado. Must have MLS, strong general reference skills, and be an enthusiastic team player. Interest in blogging, RSS, wikis and IM reference essential. Strong Spanish skills a plus.

Shout Out to New Zealand!

Thanks to Brenda Chawner, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand for having me back on Thursday to present to folks at the library at VUW. It amazes me how easy it is with a mic, headphones and some software to reach across the (flattening) globe and across the date line to discuss social technologies with librarians! We tested the connection from my office at Dominican today and it worked great! Update: Oops! Just got word from Brenda we are rescheduling to February. Oh well. The world may be a bit more flat by then anyway!

David King & Michael Porter Write for Public Libraries

David King & Michael Porter Originally uploaded by davidking. These two fine fellows just announced they will be writing the Internet Spotlight column in 2007! Well done! I look forward to their articles. If they are anything like the incredible essays and insights at LibraryMan and David Lee King – watch out! Congrats Gents!

Putting the Humanity Back: New Report

Via the Social Customer Manifesto comes this post announcing the release of a report: “Social Networking For Businesses And Associations” “The connections enabled by social networks are the glue that put the humanity back into business to solve the trust problem. In other words, the organizations that will win are the ones that most easily enable individuals to build relationships and communities with people they trust.” Libraries can win at this game too! Read the report (and balance ouit the fact they are also advertising their social networking project) and check out the “Ten Ways Businesses, Assosciations and Organizations Can […]

Small Flickr World

Photo_12.jpg Originally uploaded by willrich. This morning, I’m checking my Flickr feeds and I see a familiar locale in one of my favorite edublogger’s streams. A photo from Will Richardson is snapped in my classroom at Grayslake! How cool! I would have never know he had been presenting in the same classroom.

KGS on Innovation from Inside Libraries

Karen Schneider weighs in at TechSource on the recent happy news! This is what I’m talking about when I tell groups I speak with to “Never stop learning” and “Never stop dreaming.” Like the Endeca tea cozy—I mean, interface—for the NCSU catalog, the WPOPAC not only presents one type of solution for the “missing module” problem, but also emphasizes that the solutions for our problems can come from creative thinking inside the profession and reaching out to work done elsewhere. It’s the dawn of our self-actualization, LibraryLand!

SLJ Summit: Notes on Trust and School Library 2.0

There’s coverage of the SLJ Summit in this month’s School Library Journal: Building trust means dispelling other educators’ fears over their students’ use of Web 2.0—the second generation of Internet-based services, such as social networking sites and wikis, which emphasize collaboration and sharing among users. The learning potential of these technologies should outweigh any fears of abuse, the attendees seemed to be saying. Building trust also involves educating stakeholders and the learning community about the learning opportunities that new technologies offer. Finally, “trust” implies trusting students to use social networking sites like MySpace and Friendster appropriately—while still expecting adult oversight. […]

FUN! This is about participation! Give patrons a reason to check in every day—something about the books, and ideally about them and the books, not some “trick” like free movie passes. Read the whole post!

Congrats: Casey Bisson wins Mellon Award for innovative search software for libraries

Press Release from Plymouth State University: Making Libraries Relevant in an Internet-Based Society PSU’s Casey Bisson wins Mellon Award for innovative search software for libraries PLYMOUTH, N.H. — You can’t trip over what’s not there. Every day millions of Internet users search online for information about millions of topics. And none of their search results include resources from the countless libraries around the world. Until now. Casey Bisson, information architect for Plymouth State University’s Lamson Library, has received the prestigious Mellon Award for Technology Collaboration for his ground-breaking software application known as WPopac. The Wpopac software will revolutionize the online […]