Monthly Archives: February 2007

63 posts

A library made of books

A library made of books Originally uploaded by scampion. Steve Campion posts at Flickr: What could be more obvious than a library made out of books? This is a photo mosaic of the Summit Library, a branch of the Pierce County Library System where I work. It was made using about 1,500 of my LibraryThing book covers. This is the small version; The full image is 18MB and all the covers are clear and readable. Steve this is the 18MB version online?

Learning 2.0 at MacMaster University Library

I had the honor of visiting with the MacMaster University library staff on Thursday in Hamilton, Ontario. I did a one hour talk on Library 2.0 and social tools and then Amanda Etches-Johnson, User Experience Librarian at Mac took over and introduced the program. They will be giving MP3 players to all staff who finish the course! The course blog is here:

Gaming Space at Allen Co. Public Library

Opening Week 027 Originally uploaded by acplyas. Sean Robinson writes: “We have just opened our new library and things are going really well. One of the designs in the new building was the creation of this video gaming area. Katie Jabobs is running this area and came up with many of the design elements. This is proving to be so popular that I am amazed. I am a big fan of libraries developing in this area.”