Daily Archives: January 28, 2008

5 posts

Kindle News

Via Jessamyn, it looks like amazon is giving mixed messages about circulating the Kindle: http://rochellejustrochelle.typepad.com/copilot/2008/01/loaning-kindle.html Thanks to Rochelle and her commentors for supplying this information. I am especially tickled that Rochelle’s library bought a Kindle for the staff to play with.

23 Things…on a Stick

http://23thingsonastick.blogspot.com/ Some of the folks in class this weekend at the College of St. Catherine told me about Minnesota’s statewide adaptation of Helene Blowers ultra-successful, easily replicated 23 Things program. It seems that at the Minnesota State Fair, any and all food items are usually available “on a stick” — thus the twist on the title. Check out the site to see a state level implmentation. You know what could be next?? A national “23 Things” program for all library staff, library trustees and other curious LIS folk who want to learn.  

Building a Community: Create Your Own Social Network

  I’ve always been fascinated by social interaction online, all the way back to 1994 when I started a discussion list for Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks fans on my old Mac with a dial-up connection. I didn’t know it then, but I was attempting to bring together a community–to make some connections between various folks who shared an interest and to let them talk to each other.   Now, more than 12 years later, I realize it was one of many early examples of building a virtual community and the beginnings of social networks. Social networking services (SNS) are […]

TTW Mailbox: Heretical Ideas in Library School

Dear TTW: I’m taking a little one-credit class called “The Thoughtful Professional” in my library school. One of the requirements of the class is to send the professor a short email with a “Heretical Idea” about libraries. During the last 30-minutes of each class we discuss the idea. The author remains anonymous.I wanted to share mine with you because a photo you put in your Flickr stream inspired me. Here it is: Throw away the library policy book; toss aside the library rules! Most library rules and policies serve no one, except the ineffective managers who implement and administer them. […]