Yearly Archives: 2008

749 posts

McMaster University Libraries – 2008 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award

 Jeff Trzeciak, University Librarian at McMaster, reports: I am very pleased and proud to announce that the McMaster University Libraries are the recipient of the *2008 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award* from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). The press release announcing the award is available at Sponsored by ACRL and Blackwell’s Book Services, the award “recognizes the staff of a college, university and community college library for programs that deliver exemplary services and resources to further the educational mission of the institution.” Mary Ellen Davis, president of ACRL calls the award a “tribute to a library […]

Kindle News

Via Jessamyn, it looks like amazon is giving mixed messages about circulating the Kindle: Thanks to Rochelle and her commentors for supplying this information. I am especially tickled that Rochelle’s library bought a Kindle for the staff to play with.

23 Things…on a Stick Some of the folks in class this weekend at the College of St. Catherine told me about Minnesota’s statewide adaptation of Helene Blowers ultra-successful, easily replicated 23 Things program. It seems that at the Minnesota State Fair, any and all food items are usually available “on a stick” — thus the twist on the title. Check out the site to see a state level implmentation. You know what could be next?? A national “23 Things” program for all library staff, library trustees and other curious LIS folk who want to learn.  

Building a Community: Create Your Own Social Network

  I’ve always been fascinated by social interaction online, all the way back to 1994 when I started a discussion list for Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks fans on my old Mac with a dial-up connection. I didn’t know it then, but I was attempting to bring together a community–to make some connections between various folks who shared an interest and to let them talk to each other.   Now, more than 12 years later, I realize it was one of many early examples of building a virtual community and the beginnings of social networks. Social networking services (SNS) are […]

TTW Mailbox: Heretical Ideas in Library School

Dear TTW: I’m taking a little one-credit class called “The Thoughtful Professional” in my library school. One of the requirements of the class is to send the professor a short email with a “Heretical Idea” about libraries. During the last 30-minutes of each class we discuss the idea. The author remains anonymous.I wanted to share mine with you because a photo you put in your Flickr stream inspired me. Here it is: Throw away the library policy book; toss aside the library rules! Most library rules and policies serve no one, except the ineffective managers who implement and administer them. […]

Happy Birthday Jenny (#3 in a Series)

Please join me in wishing Jenny Levine a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jenny has done so much to help shift the profession and more recently our association that I think she deserves a big round of applause and “thanks you’s” — and one way of doing that is to post your own Flickr shot tagged “happybirthdayshifted.” 🙂 Happy day to you my friend!