Visiting the Second Life Reference Desk


 Each semester in LIS768 we take an hour and talk about Second Life and log in to see what it’s like. This is the first semester that we have actually chatted with a Reference Librarian and I was very happy the class got to participate. The librarian spoke with the class and told us she does a voluntary 2 hour shift weekly in world and gets a good number of reference questions from outside of LIS folk.

Some synchronicity: add to this an email I received from a librarian that follows me on Twitter who is teaching at Catholic University this semester.
LSC 742 Library Technologies and Project  Management Class: . 
You’ll note one focus of the class is working in SL.  My LIS701 students were also very interested in the section in our new book about SL. I know SJSU has a presence, but what are other LIS schools doing with SL?