Genius bar concept, originally uploaded by Meg Canada. Meg Canada shares a photo of the Genius Bar concept at DOK Delft.
Daily Archives: March 3, 2009
2009/365/60: Downed by Paperwork, originally uploaded by cogdogblog. Alan Levine writes: In valiant attempts to get campus wireless access for me at Baylor, Gardner went to the extremes to work the channels. I had to provide my home address, phone number, forms were faxed, we went to the IT office, phone calls were made to various corners of the IT org chart, I showed by driver’s license and signed more forms…. and the system would still not authenticate the credentials they provided. I offered a pint of blood and my grandmother’s maiden name, to no avail. It may sound like […] We’re adding this resource to the Gaming in Libraries modules for my classes. If you are curious about getting started with gaming or would like to see a clearinghouse of articles and supporting research on games and literacy, please take a look. I might urge the folks in Nebraska to take a serious look at the supporting research and survey data for a bigger picture of these initiatives.
web links, originally uploaded by New Jersey State Library. Don’t miss this: