Yearly Archives: 2012

190 posts

Thanks IU Libraries

This morning I presented at the IU Libraries staff institute day. It was very cool to visit the IU Campus in Bloomington after being away for so long. The talk was in the Whittenberger Auditorium, the same location where Union Board Films showed movies in the 80s. I served with the film group throughout my undergrad experience. Thanks to all who attended. I was especially glad to meet some recent IU SLIS graduates. The slides are here:

Call for Papers: Internet Reference Services Quarterly

Internet Reference Services Quarterly ( is now accepting manuscripts for the 2012/13 volume year. Internet Reference Services Quarterly is a refereed journal that presents research and practical information about reference librarianship in the digital age. The journal offers studies and articles on technology and innovations related to the delivery of library user services, including reference, research consultation, instruction, information literacy, user design and usability, and electronic reference materials and sources. Internet Reference Services Quarterly welcomes articles covering topics on the online, electronic and digital aspects and nature of library reference and information services, including reference practices, research consultations, reference sources […]

Zukunftwerkstatt invites TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke to Bibliothekartag

Great news! In partnership with the Zukunftwerkstatt, TTW Contributor Justin Hoenke will be speaking at the 2012 Bibliothekartag! You can find more information about the conference here: I will be in Hamburg from May 21th to the 25th to attend and present at the conference.  During my time there, I will be presenting on the following topics:  Help unveil the German/American Gaming Library/Museum/Archive League, which was developed in collaboration with Eli Neiburger and Christoph Deeg. Present on the topic of gaming in libraries and share my experiences with implementing video game programs and collections with German librarians. Participate in a workshop for librarians on how […]

Defining Authentic Librarianship – Rick Anderson

Don’t miss: So here’s how I propose to use the idea in this column: to me, authentic librarianship is motivated primarily by concern for those we serve as librarians, rather than by concern for our own agendas or preferences. To be more specific, “authentic” would describe professional practice that is motivated by all of the following: Concern for the success of the library’s patrons in their particular tasks Concern for the long-term intellectual welfare of the library’s patrons Desire to further the goals of the library’s sponsoring institution How can you know whether a librarian is acting in an […]

TTW Mailbox: Pre-service Teacher Preparation

Hi Michael: Please share this informal research inquiry with your readers: What pre-service teacher preparation or supervisor preparation programs at the undergrad or masters level exist that include a component that at least introduces these educators to what school librarians can do for them? A more eloquent way of stating this is, “…[that] include a component that introduces the role of how school librarians support the school’s mission to produce literate and informed learners and how school librarians can help students graduate from high school college- and career ready.” [Thanks to Mary Moyer, Cumberland County Library Commission Member, Congressional Contact […]

Meaningful Essential Services Beyond Commercial Content

Don’t miss the new column by Aaron Schmidt: Fortunately, there are examples of libraries creating new and valuable services that may just serve as a template for fresh, more community- responsive services than the current “free bookstore” long-term gamble we’re making. Baltimarket is a collaboration among Enoch Pratt Free Library, the city of Baltimore, and other organizations to bring healthy food to food deserts. People can order groceries online and pick them up at library locations. No ­ebooks required. In January, Pima County Public Library, Tucson, AZ, hired a nurse. She leads programs and is also available to answer questions […]

Office Hours: Learning Everywhere

My new “Office Hours” column is up at Library Journal online: The trend, “Education paradigms are shifting to include online learning, hybrid learning, and collaborative models,” also describes the move from place-based learning and information access. These ideas for change are synthesized in what Henry Jenkins calls “connected learning.” Jenkins, professor of communication, journalism, and cinematic arts at the University of Southern California, offers principles of connected learning that illustrate how far we’ve come and where we might be going: a shared purpose between learners and peers, a production-centered focus on creation and curation of things, and an openly networked atmosphere […]