WISE Workshop: Designing Online Courses for Diverse Communities of Learners



Here are the slides from my WISE workshop presentation:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensWISEWorkshop14.pdf


Sponsored by the Web-based Information Science Education (WISE) Consortium

As LIS programs become more entrepreneurial, reaching more diverse groups of learners, LIS educators are challenged to design their courses for diverse communities. There are many possible dimensions of diversity—different learner work contexts with different value structures (e.g., library vs. business), different cultural contexts when courses have a global reach, differences in learner demographics (age, gender, ethnicity), and differences in technology use outside of class, including social media. How does online course design take into account this diversity? This panel of experienced online educators will provide examples of how they have worked to address diverse communities of learners in their course designs and encourage interaction with members of the audience.

Moderator: Nicole Cooke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Presenters: Lilia Pavlovsky, Rutgers University; Michael Stephens, San Jose State University; and Jill Hurst-Wahl, Syracuse University

