The Human Face of the Library: University of Colorado Boulder

IN an “Office Hours” piece from early 2014 on Reflective Practice, I wrote about the human face of the library.


This reminds me that the library should be human. It means that behind the keyboard, behind the blog, and behind the Facebook page, there’s a person ready to have a conversation: ready to help, ready to listen.

I’m always looking for good examples of this.

So I was thrilled to see this cool project from the fine librarians at the University of Colorado Boulder. Shared via librarian Adam Lisbon on Facebook who was part of the most recent IRDL Cohort of researchers. Thanks Adam!

I think this is a model that libraries should adopt – all types of libraries. remember the librarian trading cards back in the day? I recall public libraries passing them out to make the staff more visible. This example from the academic realm reinforces the human connection even further.

Take a look and download Adam’s PDF too!

Adam’s Side One

Adam’s Side Two