What a great video. I especially like all the community leaders that came aboard for the video share their words about how important the library is to the fabric of the community. Thanks to Aaron Schmidt for originally sharing this video… -Post by Justin Hoenke,Tame the Web Contributor
Online LIS Education—or Not | Office Hours My new column is up at LJ! I may have a bit of a bias, but I would much rather my students make the short trip to their desks and computers instead of commuting across town or farther. Time saved on travel could roll over into time spent on coursework or finding balance among school, work, and life. Money saved on gas and travel could transform into paying for classes or student loans. Other students may be drawn to the classroom, to in-person interaction with a professor and other classmates. I would argue, […]
Remember this from way back in 2006? I think it still holds true. Someone reminded of it at my talk in Saginaw and asked for a new copy. Download the PDF here: StephensWarning
TWIL #22: Michael Edson (Smithsonian Institution) from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.
Thanks to everyone who attended my talk up in Saginaw, Michigan this week. The slides are here:
Next week I’ll be taking part in the Salzburg Global Institute program Libraries and Museums in an Era of Participatory Culture: As key stewards of our culture and heritage, libraries and museums have traditionally enjoyed, and to a great extent still do enjoy, a unique role and special responsibility within societies around the world. But as economic disruptions and rapid technological innovation have brought about dramatic societal changes, libraries and museums, too, are being forced to revisit and rethink their own roles and responsibilities within these changing societies. The 21st century indeed poses perplexing challenges, but at the same time offers intriguing new opportunities for libraries […]
Someone shared these three simple rules for library service during the Q&A for my keynote at SCMLA11 last week. Kim Mears tweeted them.
Your Time Is Limited (Landscape), originally uploaded by andyi.
Dangerous ideas for libraries: ASLA 2011 View more documents from Mal Booth
As a companion to the article I have at InfoToday Europe, here’s a short list of some of the exemplary practice we’re pulling out of the Learning 2.0 research: (From Stephens, M., & Cheetham, W. (2011). The impact and effect of learning 2.0 programs in Australian academic libraries. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 17(1), 31-63. Allow staff time to work on the program and make it a firm commitment. Break down any barriers on the tools put in place by IT departments making sure access is possible from employee computers. Commit to an ongoing communication and learning strategy for staff […]