This is the second and final installment of my interview with Vanessa Morris. Part 1 was posted on Wednesday, July 13th and is available HERE. – TTW Contributor Ben Lainhart —- BL: I know that you have both a professional and personal interest in virtual worlds and and social media. You mentioned their usefulness in relation to education. What are some other purposes they could serve? Do you think they are changing how we interact with others or how we view ourselves? VM: Social media is definitely changing how we interact with others and how we view ourselves. For those […]
When Michael asked me to be a Contributor here on Tame the Web I knew that one of the things I wanted to do was start an interview series with different people in the profession that I find interesting, instructive or challenging. My goal with this series is provide interviews that are more conversational in nature and touch on a wide variety of topics. While my approach is that of a recent MLIS graduate trying to make sense of the LIS profession and its future, I hope that these interviews help foster dialogue about the many difficulties and triumphs LIS […]
For my interview at SJSU and for my recent Trends & tech talks, I’m framing the discussion around the four thematic areas above. The slides from my Trends talk at New Jersey Library Association expand on the areas – I cannot believe I haven’t posted them: I will be using this framework as I prep for my Participatory Service classes this fall.
Summing up attending SLA (but it could be said for any conference that engages, inspires and sends you home charged up), Bruce Rosenstein writes: “Whether you participate in person or online, or during or after the conference itself, the big takeaways for me are that the future can be bright for information professionals who find the proper mix of the technological and the personal, and who can apply the human touch (including Prusak’s admonition about using good judgment) while taking advantage of relevant tools. All of this is hard work that demands creativity and perseverance. SLA members and other […]
I’m honored to be included in this new book: Working in the Virtual Stacks: The New Library and Information Science – Books / Professional Development – Books for Academic Librarians – Books for Public Librarians – New Products – ALA Store. Take a look at all the other cool folks as well.
I am thoroughly enjoying this issue of Library Technology Reports by Kyle M. L. Jones and Polly Alida-Farrington. Read the first chapter here to get a taste of the useful, practical and engaging work. Kenley Neufeld and I have an interview in the issue concerning WordPress as an LMS for course management. There’s also an extended version here and a TechSource post about the early stages of the project here. The guest sections include an excellent article on utilizing WP to enhance the user experience by […]
I have long agreed with Jessamyn West’s take that we should use “our online powers for good.” One way I try to do this is by highlighting unique, original and not often heard voices here at TTW. I realized I hadn’t announced two new members to the TTW family of contributors: Ben Lainhart & Carrie Straka. Please welcome them and watch for their future posts. Here are their bios: –Ben Lainhart Professional Interests: Ben recently graduated with an MLIS from Drexel University’s iSchool where he spent a lot of time thinking about social media and digital libraries and how they […]
Join the Global Conversation The Library 2.011 conference presents a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. The conference will be held online November 2-3, 2011, inmultiple time zones and languages and is free to attend! This is the official call for presentations. Subject Strands There are six subject strands including the changing roles of libraries in today’s world, digital age learning cultures, and changes in accessing and organizing information. To view the complete list of conference strands, click here. Presentation Proposals Presentations shall be noncommercial and between 20 and 60 minutes including Q&A. Sessions will be […]
Here’s Andromeda Yelton‘s TEDx talk from this past June at Princeton Public Library in New Jersey. In 6 minutes and 31 seconds, Andromeda talks about how her and a gang of librarians (see below) earned enough money to build a library in India and then raise enough for 100 extra books, a newspaper subscription, and then, to top it all off, 4 bo0kmobiles in Africa. All of this, might I add, was done through Twitter/Blogging/Social Media. I was lucky enough to be part of the gang of librarians I mentioned above. Much love to the work of Andromeda, Ned Potter, and […]
Recently, ALA retweeted a tweet that originally came from @FSG_Books. It was a library haiku that read: A library card / is a 100% off / coupon for great books. This is a misconception throughout libraries everywhere. A library card isn’t a 100% off coupon. A library card is a tool that allows users to take advantage of the services and materials that have already been purchased for them. People who use the library and borrow those books have already paid for them. They’re not free books when the people borrowing them have already paid for them. Many users believe […]