Under the direction of the Director, and in cooperation with the Website Coordinator and Manager of Public Information, the Virtual Services Coordinator develops strategies for implementing and delivery of virtual services to the public. The Virtual Services Coordinator works to integrate the Library’s web offerings and to guide the Library’s virtual services efforts toward user-centered services, incorporating new creative approaches that optimize the customer experience, manage content, and provide customer support. Duties and responsibilities: Ensures that all our web services and virtual resources are integrated and designed for ease of use and convenience of patrons Provides leadership to engage the […]
Categories Library Jobs & Careers
Karl Fisch points to a job posting for a school principal: http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com The areas of proven success excite me, including what I perceive to be a focus on open communication, participation, and transparency. Awareness and use of technology is highlighted as well. The candidate must show evidence of proven success in the following areas: Commits to the belief that each stakeholder in the school community deserves to be given individual attention and to be treated with dignity and respect. Embraces technology and uses it as a management and instructional tool daily. Designs opportunities to empower students, staff and parents to […]
jean the bowler, originally uploaded by royce kitts. Royce Kitts writes: The director of the Parsons Public Library wii bowling. Parsons is a very cool library. Please check it out if you are in the neighborhood.
http://www.jasongriffey.net/wp/2008/04/27/connections-are-everything/ Connections are Everything. This isn’t just personal connections, although as you go through school, read online, join groups and such, the personal connections you make are central to your success in life. My connectivity to individuals in libraries around the world have made me better at what I do and enabled me to build a rich understanding of practices different than just those I am surrounded with on a day-to-day basis. Maintaining these connections are incredibly important, and the social capital gained from them (both bridging and bonding) is a key to being successful in the modern age.
Via Library trainer Lori Reed: http://librarytrainer.com/2008/04/26/learning-from-corporate-america-starbucks-closes-nationwide-for-training/ From the Starbucks Web site, “That amounts to almost a half a million hours of training in one night.” My first thought on hearing this announcement was publicity stunt. Why do you need to close for training? Why can’t you do it before or after closing or off site? I learned though that this was more than training in how to make a cup of coffee. According to the Starbucks Web site this was “a nationwide education event, designed to energize [employees] and transform the customer experience.” There’s something to be said about putting our […]
The incredible Marshall Shore turned me on to this: http://sfist.com/2008/02/21/coco_bart_stati.php Starting sometime in April, library books will be available at Contra Costa County BART stations via “ATM style lending machines.” A new program called Library-a-Go-Go, along with the Contra Costa County Library, will allow BART riders to simply swipe a card, select a book, wait for said book choice to drop, and then return the book after the rider is finished reading their literary gem. The machines will “hold around 400 popular and best-selling titles, both fiction and nonfiction, and will be accessible during Bart hours.” Sweden, Norway, and Finland […]
http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6553800.html Michael Rogers — Library Journal, 4/22/2008 10:33:00 AM Equinox providing migration service, software configuration, consultation, and support Branch, Niles, and Traverse Area District Libraries will go live over the summer Evergreen created by Georgia Public Library Service for the Georgia PINES consortium The Michigan Library Consortium is going open source. The group April 14 announced that it has selected an Evergreen system as its next automation solution, as well as signing with Equinox Software Inc., which will “provide comprehensive library data migrations service, software configuration, consultation, and on-going Evergreen support.” The consortium said it will “begin the conversion to Evergreen with a pilot group […]
living library in the U.K. | Originally uploaded by a-birdie Via Robin at LISNews: http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/the_way_we_live/article3790377.ece Back in the shelving room, the conversation was alive with first impressions. “Have you been borrowed yet?” was an opening line; “How was it?” the inevitable follow-up. Sikh, a former film and TV producer (“wears weird headdress”, “smelly” – she didn’t and wasn’t) said that she was beginning to realise that everyone carried stories inside them but had little chance to tell them. “This is my chance to tell those stories,” she said, and was going to do so when a librarian appeared to take me […]
Adopting a new technology can be fun, whether it’s Web 2.0 applications like Drupal or cutting-edge technologies like RFID. It can be seductive to watch these tools used by other library systems. We’ve seen many “cool tools” presentations at conferences that play up the wonders of Twitter, FriendFeed, or Facebook apps. However cool these new tools might appear, it may not be easy to inject them into your library—nor do they all belong there. Check out the Libraries Using Evidence blog, created by a group of Australian librarians, for insight into how evidence-based practice meets 2.0 initiatives. Administrators must take a big […]
From the comments on: “Libraries that don’t offer texting are basically invisible to me.” comes this response from TTW reader Graeme Williams: I’m a library user, not a librarian. We have a beautiful library in our town, but usage is dropping slowly year by year. I think the general point is exactly correct, although I’d call the problem one of friction rather than invisibility. It is, after all, possible for a sufficiently determined person to locate the library, obtain a library card, and borrow a book, provided they have proof of residence, so the library isn’t literally invisible. My children use […]