Categories Library Jobs & Careers

285 posts

Articles related to library jobs and careers, including advice on how to advance a library career, thoughts on how LIS jobs are changing, job descriptions, etc.

Questions for School Librarians

Chris Harris, a tad frustrated about his LIS education, has some questions: If I had to join an e-mail list and ask a question for class, here are some I might toss out… How are you marketing and branding your library to maintain visibility in your school? What are your primary tools for continued professional development, and how do you squeeze those activities in to an otherwise overwhelming schedule? What will be my biggest challenge as a first year librarian, and what can I do now in library school to better prepare myself? How would you define your relationship […]

Transparent Library: “Going to the Field”

The transparent library’s fluid nature and open communication allow all levels of staff to understand what it takes to meet user needs. By following this simple rule—bring them out—you’ll develop a big-picture understanding of library services among your staff, and you’ll see dividends immediately. Read the whole column here

Going to the Field

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens How many times have decisions been met with resistance and misunderstanding in your library when word reaches the front lines? Sometimes it seems like higher-ups create policy without a feel for what actually happens on desks throughout the library. Often, those higher ups are labeled “out of touch.” And those staffers who are on the front lines or working in the branches-whether they’re public or academic libraries-do know what goes on every day. You know what it’s like. You know how you must juggle immediate customer service needs with longer-term issues such as training, […]

10 Questions For The Agency Executive (New Librarian)

At Logic + Emotion: David Armano ponders digital immigrants and digital natives. He offers up a list of questions for ad/PR agency executives, pondering what kind of answers he might get. I think these might figure well into an interview for that emerging technology librarian job — or, really, for any librarian job these days… 1. Do you read blogs. Which ones? 2. Do you have a personal blog? What’s it about? 3. Do you participate in at least one social network? Which one? 4. Have you ever uploaded a video online? What did you use to do it? […]

Job Posting: Emerging/New Tech Reference Librarian & Some 2.0 Thoughts

Rochelle posts a job opening at her library: Emerging/New Technology Reference Librarian The La Crosse Public Library Information Services Team is looking for an energetic library professional who can apply updated practices and perspectives to a traditional reference setting. We seek a team member who will evaluate, teach, coordinate and implement new and emerging technologies, will coordinate the overhaul of our existing web site and who understands 2.0 as a service concept, not just a tech thing. Characteristics desired: evident sense of play and discovery, unflappability in the face of change and ambiguity, and an ability to appreciate existing […]

Professions Do Not Stand Still

I keep coming back to this post “I didn’t get an MLS to do that.” Professions do not stand still. Have you ever met a plumber who doesn’t work with PVC? An electrician who only uses knob and tube wiring? A firefighter who thinks those new fangled breathing masks are just too complicated? No, professionals who don’t keep up with the technologies that affect their work go out of business. Librarianship is not immune to that. We don’t have a choice. To me this is the most important reason. Even if we don’t like computers, our patrons do. Libraries […]

The Open Door Director

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens The job of library director is difficult and often underappreciated. These days, library directors are more like university presidents, needing to build support in the community, raise money, and make a name for themselves and their library. Obviously, this varies by the size of the community, but all library directors need to garner sufficient political and community capital to get budgets approved and expansions funded and to keep door counts high. It’s no longer enough for the library director simply to keep the place running. Today’s director is politician and lobbyist, fundraiser and spokesperson, […]

Living Out Loud

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens You’re “out there” whether you want to be or not. In the March 2007 Wired cover article, “The Naked CEO,” Clive Thompson illustrates that corporate blunders, missteps, and outright lies are exposed every day. One of our favorite examples is Diebold insisting that its voting machines are safe and secure while YouTube hosts a video of how to crack its security. It’s similar to a child standing in front of you and saying he has not eaten a candy bar when you can see chocolate all over his face. We can understand lies from […]

Future of Information Service – Job Opening

My friend and colleague Sharon Wiseman shared this job description with me. Take a look: Manager, Information Services Do you know what the future of information services looks like? Come shape reference with us by leading a talented staff through the next evolution in customer-centered reference. We are looking for a fearless librarian/leader with passion, vision and commitment who knows how to think both inside and outside of the box. The position requires an MLS from an accredited school with a minimum of three years library experience including supervising, motivating, and guiding staff. Customer service experience highly desirable. Salary range […]

Turning “No” into “Yes”

By Michael Casey & Michael Stephens Often times, it’s born at the desk. Staff members think of a new idea, and they want to share it with the decision-makers. They put together a presentation or proposal at the suggestion of their immediate supervisor and take it up to administration. But they receive a cold reception. Not only are they told, “No,” but they were “talked to” by the department head: “How could anyone think such an idea would work? Didn’t they realize that their idea had been tried five years earlier?” Other times it’s born at a rousing conference or […]