Jaap and Erik speak to an LIS Class at Dominican Originally uploaded by mstephens7. As I type, dear readers, it’s a COLD Thursday morning..still dark outside with temperatures hovering around 0.’ Jaap and Erik from Deflt Public Library are already up as well, getting ready for their next adventure: tours of libraries to the northwest and meetings with more innovative librarians. Yesterday was wonderful because I had them with me, on campus at Dominican University, as guests of the Graduate School of Library & Information Science. We had lunch in the Dining Hall with Professors Kate Marek and Karen Brown. […]
Categories News & Life Updates
I have been waiting for these Visitors Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Erika and Jaap are here! Today they will visit Dominican with me and then tomorrow they are off to North Suburban Library System and other cool places around Illinois! Welcome to our visitors from the Netherlands!
Have I mentioned my Monday office hours at Corner Bakery? Originally uploaded by mstephens7. I teach upstairs so this is a nice place to meet students and prep classes.
ALA TechSource Rockstars Originally uploaded by Wandering Eyre. I agree with Michelle! I looked around the table at the incredible folks dining and chatting and told them: “I’m honored to be here.”
ALAMW2007 Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Things are bustling at the convention center! I’ll be hanging out with the OCLC folk at their booth in the exhibit hall after the symposium. If you are attending, please say hi. (and don’t miss the DDR at the ALA TechSource booth!) See you there!
The taxi will be waiting for me at 6am tomorrow (uhhh) for an 8am flight to my favorite American city. I’m looking forward to seeing library friends and colleagues and the OCLC Social Software symposium. If you are attending (last I heard over 300 are signed up), please say HI! I’ll be armed with Moo cards. Here’s to safe travels for all!
January 19, 2007. “Who’s Watching YOUR Space?” Moderator. OCLC Symposium with danah boyd, Howard Rheingold & Marc Smith, ALA Midwinter. Seattle, Washington. January 21, 2007. Next-Gen Sharing Libraries. OCLC Program. ALA Midwinter. Seattle, Washington. January 23, 2007. Elmhurst College Library Honors Program. Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois. February 1, 2007. Library 2.0.: Learning 2.0 Kickoff Presentation. McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario. February 2, 2007. Best Practices for Social Software in Libraries. Ontario Library Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. February 3, 2007. Top Technology Trends with John Blyberg & Amanda Etches-Johnson. Ontario Library Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. February 15, 2007. The Hyperlinked Library. […]
For LIS753 Originally uploaded by mstephens7. I have been updating syllabi and prepping classes all since returning from Hennepin. I teach LIS753 Internet Fundamentals & Design all weekend. Here we go….
On the way to Minnesota Originally uploaded by mstephens7. I’m in Minnesota for three days to talk with the folks at Hennepin County Library about “The Hyperlinked Library.” If you are attending any of the sessions, please say hi. It’s nice to be back in Minnesota!
my entrance to the library makes news Originally uploaded by aaron schmidt.