Hi all! No posts for awhile because I’ve been running workshops in Connecticut and now I’m heading to Denton for a weekend class, a wiki demo and some elbow rubbing with the new cohort!
Categories News & Life Updates
Margaret Lincoln, who I know as Gigi, is doing incredible stuff with Holocaust education. I’m glad to be in the cohort with her! http://battlecreekenquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050522/NEWS01/505220336/1002
Today SJCPL is closed and we are meeting all together for activities, speakers and some fun! Aaron is on his way to do an afternoon breakout on gadgets for the staff! More in a bit…
Intriguing article in the Indy Star: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050426/NEWS01/504260413/1006/NEWS01 The IMCCPL is changing as the new Main Library is renovated. Changes include more best sellers, more libraries open on Sundays (and the elimination of overtime pay for Sundays) and changes to the way the librarians do their jobs: Librarians themselves will morph: ? A clerical worker with a college degree will answer reference questions — basically taking over the role for which a librarian went to college to get a master’s degree. ? Librarians with expertise in a particular field no longer will order books for their area. ? Users will do […]
http://www.iamalibrarian.com/gallery.html I Am a Librarian My name is Cynthia Wilson. I received my Masters Degree in library science from Clarion University and I am a photographer. I have been looking for librarians and library school students in the United States who would be willing to get their picture taken, and answer a short interview for a book that I am working on, titled ?I am a Librarian!? Cynthia took my picture one sweltering day in Orlando last June with my beloved PowerBook. Here’s the image, which is one of many on display at the University of West Florida, Fort Walton […]
This is TTW’s 500th entry since March 2004! To give it some substance: Three Things that are HOT right now: Libraries that get the balance between technology, space and people and plan accordingly to meet the needs of all who seek information. Librarians who experiment with new techie stuff and report to the LIS Blogosphere how it goes. (That’s a big piece of what a learning community is all about) Technologies that are used as tools, not like carnival attractions in our organizations!
Thanks everyone for the nice wishes as TTW turned 2! And THANKS to Karen for singing. It’s on my iPod playlist!
I spent some time last night updating my main pages. Take a look. There may be some weirdness as I work out the glitches. I used Rapidweaver for Mac.
Good Morning! For almost 2 weeks I have been busy- in DC for CIL 2005, downstate for Indiana Library Federation, teaching at IUSB and doing some online collaboration. Today, however, I’m hitting the road for Traverse City to see how things are going Up North. See you in a couple of days!
Summer 2005 IMLS Distance Ph.D. Program in Library Science: School Library Division: Douglas Achterman Gayle Bogel Vivian Cisneros Richard Hasenyager Wendy Stephens Public Library Division: Shannon Bomar Sara Jones Brian Kenney Jeanne Puacz David Scott Congrats to all!!