Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

641 posts

Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

Taming Technolust: Planning in a Hyperlinked World

I am particularly enjoying this slide this morning. 🙂 Here are the slides as PDF from the original keynote file. Links for the presentation today: Technoplans Vs Technolust at Library Journal 2004 Taming Technolust article at RUSQ: Links: ACRL Changing Roles “Let Go of Control” Cell Phone Sign: Brian Herzog’s Signs: The Cluetrain Manifesto: Emerging Technology Committee @ TTW Michelle Boule on Beta Prototyping from Brian Mathews Transparency: The Open Door Director Trend Map: Open Source Software: Casey Bisson’s LTR Karen Schenider on OSS in SLJ “Free for All” Learning 2.0 & Learn & Play @CML Be Curious

Catching Up with “Bridging Worlds”

While I was in London, many of my esteemed colleagues were in Singapore for the Bridging Worlds conference. Kathryn Greenhill posted her take aways: We need to share – our data and our co-operative efforts. Standards – data storage, web application, metadata – are vitally important to our work. We need to know what applies in our area and work to ensure they are developed sensibly and used well. 3. The GLAM sector – Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums – is converging. Libraries play an essential role in preserving, collating and providing access to these collections. 4. We can […]

“Totally heart this..”

Totally heart this, originally uploaded by hblowers. …writes Helene Blowers: Mosiac created @ Big Huge Labs from photos of University City Regional Library’s Family Portrait Day (photographer Ian Nguyen, PLCMC) I know, I’ve mentioned this before on LB, but it’s so good I have to highlight it again!

Libraries on my Cereal!

Libraries on my Cereal!, originally uploaded by Kables. Kables writes: For my librarian friends: Safeway is promoting public libraries on the back of its cereal boxes (well, at least this one cereal box). Emphasized are reference services, hangin’ out, ILL, internet, and multigrain oatey clustery goodness.