At ALA TechSource: It also fascinates me to see how Michael approached his coursework, building that “virtual librarian’s” skill set. He writes on his About Page: I plan to develop online communities and services that promote the idea of digital library as place. Like physical libraries, digital libraries need to be community centers, collaborative study spaces, meeting spaces, etc. In addition, I plan to train library users to use new technologies and information resources. To accomplish these goals, I have gained experience in traditional library services as well as chat and instant messaging reference services. Through my coursework, I […]
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
See: Talk about links and connections: I just made a post to VLINT about Timothy Greig’s slides on Flickr about MMOs and digital libraries, found via Tame the Web. I wanted to ask him to expand it in a post for VLINT if he was interested, so I went to his home page. I saw the nice, shiny “record voicemail” button and just had to have one of my own. So, of course, I trotted over to Timothy’s site and left him a greeting. It was early here so I had “morning voice,” but at the end I got […]
Libraries and Web 2.0 Originally uploaded by crr29061. Via Dr. Curtis Rogers: Beaufort County Library has puit up a page about Web 2.0 for library users. Take a look. (WOW! He just posted another cool use of Flickr for historical photos at Pickens Library.)
Via AL Direct! This is so HOT my Mac is smoking! As the Nationwide insurance commercials taunt “life comes at you fast”, it’s time for librarians to jump into the knowledge pool of Web 2.0 technologies and discover how these tools are changing the way many library users communicate, collaborate and receive information. Helene Blowers, Technology Director for the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County shares insights and best practices around the creation of Learning 2.0, an online self-discovery program designed to encourage staff to explore new technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts etc.) and reward them for “play.” Join […]
Mobile answers Originally uploaded by K Jane. Thanks K Jane!
AADL Catalog Search Cloud Originally uploaded by jblyberg. So HOT my G5 just burnt up! John – Don’t stay away so long next time!
Via the scorching hot Smart Mobs blog comes a link to a report concerning the attitudes of people who participate in online communities:….html They are: Fast followers More flexible Open communicators Aspire to greatness Looking for new, innovative ideas In short – your future leaders How are you encouraging these folks in your organization? Are there outlets, teams, projects and work groups that can make use of these attitudes while also acquainting them with your seasoned folk for knowledge transfer? Are you hyperlinked?
Via Michael Casey: I appreciate Director Charles Brown’s encouraging remarks and Helene Blower’s enthusiasm. I feel honored to have helped kick off this learning initiative with Michael Casey back in August. A great shout out to the folks at PLCMC! And don’t miss the PLCMC Orientation Video for new staff, another innovative use of YouTube!
Wandering Eyre points to a Job 2.0 Librarian 2.0, Wilkinson Public Library, Telluride (Open Until Filled) Librarian to deliver techno-savvy reference to an educated, enlightened resort community in SW Colorado. Must have MLS, strong general reference skills, and be an enthusiastic team player. Interest in blogging, RSS, wikis and IM reference essential. Strong Spanish skills a plus.
There’s coverage of the SLJ Summit in this month’s School Library Journal: Building trust means dispelling other educators’ fears over their students’ use of Web 2.0—the second generation of Internet-based services, such as social networking sites and wikis, which emphasize collaboration and sharing among users. The learning potential of these technologies should outweigh any fears of abuse, the attendees seemed to be saying. Building trust also involves educating stakeholders and the learning community about the learning opportunities that new technologies offer. Finally, “trust” implies trusting students to use social networking sites like MySpace and Friendster appropriately—while still expecting adult oversight. […]