Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

641 posts

Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

Kamaria visits Italy

Kamaria visits Italy, originally uploaded by teens_libraryloft. The Libraryloft writes: The loft is taking teens on a Virtual Vacation! Teens learned tips and tricks in using Photoshop and transported themselves to exotic locations. Great idea! Hey libraries – how else are you encouraging teen creativity this summer?

Jen Waller wins 21st Century Award at UW iSchool

I won the 21st Century Award, originally uploaded by JenWaller. Congrats to Jennifer Waller – who won the University of Washington iSchool 21st Century Award this weekend! She posted the text of Cadi Russell’s announcement of the award: “Good evening. My name is Cadi Russell-Sauve. I am honored to be here presenting the 21st Century Award on behalf of Masters of Library and Information Science student body. Each year ALISS, the Association of Library and Information Science Students, presents this award to a graduating student who best embodies the future of our profession. MLIS students nominate graduating classmates who demonstrate […]

New LTR: Collaboration 2.0 by Robin Hastings

I’m reading through Robin Hastings’ new Library Technology Report called “Collaboration 2.0.” This is one LTR not to miss! And don’t miss Dan Freeman’s interview with Robin at TechSource: Dan Freeman: So your topic for this issue is Collaboration 2.0. Can you define this concept for us?   Robin Hastings: Collaboration 2.0 is the use of free, easy-to-use web 2.0 tools (think Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs, etc.) to make teams who may not be in the same city, state or country work together seamlessly. Since the philosophy behind the 2.0 tools is one of user-created content, almost all […]

Preview: The Twitterverse v1.0 by @BrianSolis & @Jess3

Preview: The Twitterverse v1.0 by @BrianSolis & @Jess3, originally uploaded by b_d_solis. The Twitterverse was created in the spirit of This is a preview of the soon-to-be announced Twitterverse. Please let us know what we’re missing and if we need to reorganize the placement of apps. HINT: Click on all sizes for a larger view. (cc) +

Ten Ways to Encourage the Tribe*

Download the Virginia Beach Version of the Slides here. The good folks at Virginia Beach Public Libraries asked me back this year to talk about building community with social tools.  This was perfect timing because I had just read Peter Block’s Community: The Structure of Belonging and I’ve been working on an article and interview about/with Seth Godin for Digital Bibliotek magazine. His book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us has figured prominently into my thinking and teaching so far this year. I always appreciate this type of synchronicity. Jenny Levine introduced me to Peter Block’s book – a fascinating […]