Daily Archives: June 8, 2008

4 posts

You’ve Got a Friend

David Pogue writes: http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/07/ A few months ago, I blogged about my mixed feelings toward Facebook, LinkedIn and the like. I get about 15 invitations a day, from people I don’t know, asking to be friends. It’s flattering, of course, but there’s an etiquette problem: Do I accept them all, just to be friendly — but thereby defeat the purpose of building a true social network? Or do I reject or ignore them, hurting their feelings and making me seem like an ingrate? Little did I know that I’m not alone — and that my affliction actually has a name. […]

Thanks for the Feedback!

Frank Haulgren commented here and I just had to make it a post: Western Washington Univ.s “14 Days To Have Your Say” project was directly inspired by the Starbuck’s campaign.  I had read a newspaper article (quaint, no?) about this project one day while having lunch and immediately thought to myself, “We can do this!  We should do this!” The 14 Days blog has closed has closed for comment.  A final post has been made by me for the libraries and we are now beginning to analyze the comments and see what we can undertake over the summer. Bu far […]

Starbucks Free* WiFi

Via a heads up from Evan T. Struble at Ohionet: http://www.usatoday.com…-starbucks-wifi_N.htm Thirsty for more business during the worst slump in its history, Starbucks will try to lure more customers by offering two hours of free AT&T Wi-Fi a day. The Wi-Fi freebie will be available starting Tuesday to customers who purchase a minimum $5 reloadable Starbucks Card, register online for the Starbucks Rewards Card program, and use the card at least once a month. The two hours must be consecutive. New members also receive a voucher for a free drink. Starbucks’ 7-year-old relationship with T-Mobile for Wi-Fi service is being […]

Trust, Identity, Security

http://cogdogblog.com/2008/06/04/high-school-buddy-on-oldaily/ Adam Levine points to a facsinating presentation and a bit of serendipty with an old chum: In the midst of my regular daily mix of seeing what new things come into my antennae, I am reading the email update of Stephen’s OLDaily and stop my scan/scrolling– there it is, a familiar name: How Identity and Access Management Can Help Your Institution Touch Its Toes Kevin Morooney, EDUCAUSE Connect This presentation was both fascinating and infuriating. I really liked the style of presentation – page forward through it quickly – and I think the argument is well reasoned. But – […]