Monthly Archives: January 2018

4 posts

Creative Confidence Book Review – A TTW guest post by Dana Lema

When you ask my father to draw a picture of a dog, you get this: When you ask me to draw a picture of a dog, you get something like this: My dad is an artist and art instructor by profession and a semi-professional guitar player as a hobby. My mother was a practiced pianist and seamstress while working as an attorney. My sister can master any type of dance. I can sing, but play no musical instruments. I cannot sew and my dance moves, while enthusiastic, wouldn’t be considered skillful or graceful.  The joy of being part of a […]

Resources: Adopt or Adapt for Sirsi Dynix Connections Summit

Thanks to all the fine folk that attended my keynote this morning at the Sirsi Dynix Connections Summit! Download the slides here. Selected Library Journal “Office Hours” columns cited: Adopt or Adapt Room to Grow Librarian Superpowers What’s Next Formula for Success Hygge State of Mind Talk About Compassion Dream. Explore. Experiment. Color Me Curious Speak of the Devil Library Emoji Learning to Learn The Right Questions Resources to Inspire: Basgen, B. & Testori, P. (2016). Socially engaged learning. Deitering, A. & Gascho Rempel, H. (2017). Sparking curiosity. Educause. (2016). 7 things you should know about….The 2016 key issues in […]

Yes, and…. – A TTW guest post by Cheryl May

Devil’s advocates need not apply As I was listening to the Library as a Classroom lecture this week, the devil’s advocate component reminded me of a phrase that is more productive.  That phrase is “yes, and…” rather than “no, but…” or “let me play devil’s advocate”.  In conjunction with this flip on devil’s advocate, asking people to bring solutions is an excellent tool and one I’ve been actively trying to train my staff on for a few years now.  When someone comes to me with a complaint or is being a naysayer, I will frequently ask them to remember I am […]

Infinite Learning: A TTW guest post by Dr. Mary Vasudeva

Dr. Mary Vasudeva wrote this post in response to readings in her MLIS course INFO 298 The Hyperlinked Library “Leave the library and go where the people are.” (Stephens, 2017, Built for people). I happened to be in a situation where I couldn’t listen to the lecture for this course module (on an airplane), so I was going through the slide show. . . which made me think about learning modes in general. And then, I got to slide 5, which states “The heart of libraries is learning and supporting our users’ curiosity through every means possible” (Stephens, 2017, Library […]