Daily Archives: October 26, 2005

2 posts

What a nice thing to read as I’m about to turn off the light…

…and head home from Monterey in the morning…From Liz Lawley, keynoter and blogger… http://mamamusings.net/archives/2005/10/25/glory_days.php Here at Internet Librarian, I see the next posse hanging in the halls. They?re talking about blogs and flickr and del.icio.us. They?re laughing out loud at the stodginess around them (as well they should), and carving out their own space. And I find that I?m not at all jealous. I love seeing them blaze their own paths, create their own disruptive force. I don?t want to go back to who and where I was fifteen years ago. But I am oh so glad for the friendships […]