Daily Archives: February 12, 2006

1 post

LIS753 Student Blogs

Our afternoon was spent learning about blogs, libraries and what librarians can do with this tool. Each student got a Blogger blog. They agreeed that I could post them here. What amazes me is within 5 minutes opf posting (really as a way to share the URLs with the class) I had a comment from John Blyberg. How cool. Yes, these should be linked and when I have time I will activate them. Right now, I need to drive home through a lake effect snowstorm. http://archives4evah.blogspot.com/ http://urbanlib.blogspot.com http://trainlibrarian.blogspot.com/ http://lovelibraries.blogspot.com http://insidevoicesplease.blogspot.com/ http://cpslibrarian.blogspot.com/ http://therandomlibrary10.blogspot.com/ http://unchicklit.blogspot.com/ http://eroses.blogspot.com http://dustudentblog.blogspot.com/ http://littlelostlibrarian.blogspot.com/ http://schooltechschool.blogspot.com/ http://libschoolconfidential.blogspot.com http://younglibrarians.blogspot.com/ http://becominglibrarian.blogspot.com/ […]