Monthly Archives: April 2006

67 posts

On Non-Profit 2.0

The offspring and meme of “2.0” continues: The most intriguing for me is a comment: The essence of Marnie’s post for me was that web2.0 technologies are (potentially) driving nonprofits to be more transparent and deliver information and programs that provide better personal attention. From that perspective, it creates a certain amount of competition among NPOs (as well as collaboration opportunities) to really step up and provide services that people need. Ding Ding! This is going into our course for ALA.

Customer Service

Via The Social Customer Manifesto: Guy Kawasaki posts a Top Ten list: The Art of Customer Service. This might be good to read and apply to our libraries: how does the administration feel about customer service? How does the director/dean/head librarian feel about users? What levels of trust are their in your institutiuons between management and front line librarians and support staff? Who blames who when things go wrong? Are we hiring the right people or pormoting the right people to the right jobs? Here’s the full list: Start at the top Put the customer in control (Ding Ding) […]

Community 2.0 Ellyssa Kroski has a new essay up and I urge all TTW readers to take a look. This overview of community and social tools is incredible! Community 2.0 means the end of walled gardens. It’s about building trust with users through quality, consistency, and the abdication of power. It’s about letting go of the fear of becoming obsolete and simply adapting and adopting a new strategy.

Five Phrases I Hope I Never Hear in Libraries Again (based on a true story)

(A confession: I’ve been sitting on this post a LONG time…I finally decided to put it out there and see how it goes.) I happened across this post at Wandering Eyre entitled “IM me. Oh wait, we do not do that here. (Read the whole post & the comments!) “…my library’s new web developer, and my technology partner in crime, asked me last week why we do not have IM. It is blocked on the staff computers and we do not do chat reference. I sighed heavily and told her that was a conversation best had over drinks, but I […]

Library Associations & Flickr

While Jessamyn and Greg were making cookies and flickr-izing the recipe, the New Jersey library association was getting active on flickr. I was added as a contact. 🙂 New Jersey Library Association (Put up some pictures folks!) Through NJ, I found: Arkansas State Library (Check out Jack’s Retirement Party!) I’d like to see many more library associations jump into the Flickr pool.

The Inevitable Gen X Coup

Via The Goblin in the Library: An Essay by Brian S. Mathews He asks some good questions: Can we as a profession ever really get beyond the “it’s always been done like that” mentality and provide a catalog that patrons actually want to use? that tie directly into the 5 Phrases I Hope I Never Hear post.

10 Ways to Lose your Best People “10 Attitudes That Would Make this “techie” Librarian High-Tail it Out of Your Library” Another entry in the meme that makes some super good points by a librarian named Rochelle from Canada. Here’s #5: 5. Blogs are stupid. “Blog people” are even stupider. What’s a wiki? Why should I care? It’s best to approach all new applications not only with skepticism, but with active distrust and scorn.

Do You Squidoo?

Phil Bradley writes about using Squidoo to create teaching aids. It’s a “How to..” do anything social site with some cool features and a definite Web 2.0 feel. Here’s his “lens” for web design: Here’s the lens for an “Intro to Web 2.0:” UPDATE: More lenses from Phil: