Monthly Archives: April 2006

67 posts


Via the Social Software Blog: I.M. Generation Is Changing the Way Business Talks Banks, insurance companies and other old-school businesses are using instant messaging to communicate with customers and quickly route queries, all within seconds. In the not-so-distant past, e-mail was considered state of the art, and responding within 24 hours was considered prompt. Those days seem quaint now; instant messaging is used in more than 80 percent of corporations, according to a report by Michael Osterman, an industry analyst. This article details the many – and I mean MANY – benefits of IM in the business world. One point […]

More Useful Links for the OPAL Talk

UPDATE: What a great time that was! Thanks to all at OPAL!! Here’s the presentation. Here are some extra links as resources: Cluetrain Netvibes Open Source Software at TechEssence ALA on DRM & DRM Guide for Librarians Librarians Who IM Future of Music Using Bloglines! The Internet is Entering its LEGO era Libraries with MySpace accounts Tennant and Pace on the Future of Catalogues from Panlibus Rainie on Millennials from SELCO iPods in Action at Georgia College and State University Using Evidence to Support our Libraries from Stephen Abram OCLC Perceptions

Darlene Fichter’s Survival Tips for a 2.0 World

From the Dead Tech Panel and via “What I Learned Today:” We have to be Digital read/write participants We have to learn with others We have to be facilitators for relationships We need to have our intercultural antennae up – not everyone is from your default point of view We have to be tolerant of ambiguity – it’s okay to not be in control We have to LEARN THE TOOLS!! (emphasis added by me!) We have to be self aware

Running through the Garden I am enjoying Library Garden… I like the tone, the focus and the information. Give it a try, especially this post: Use Your Good Judgement Think about that for a minute. One rule, “use your good judgment” (note, they don’t say “best judgment”; they give employees credit for having good judgment right from day one.) One rule, followed by the encouragement to do anything that the low-level, inexperienced employee deems appropriate to give good customer service. That’s employee empowerment, and it’s that foundation of trust that naturally gives rise to the famous Nordstrom culture of customer service. Now think […]

Reinvention & Seeking Balance

Will Richardson posts about his ongoing reinvetion and points to some words by Stephen Downes, and as I feel the need to head Up North soon, his words resonate with me: I’m trying to find that place, you know, where I can have a meaningful life, where I can be completely engaged and committed and passionate, where I can matter and be important. These pictures will always be special to me, because they will always remind me that I can and sometimes do dare to hope and dream of being something more, and that there are, absolutely, some things worth […]

TechEssence Meredith points to TechEssence where she is writing with some ultra-hot library folk! I heart group blogging! Take a look because from what I’ve seen this will be a valuable resource for evidence-based decision-making.