Monthly Archives: November 2006

80 posts

Get a Clue! The Hyperlinked Organization at ALA Techsource

“To the librarian I once overheard saying, “It is my personal duty to make sure we have no typos on anything!” I must say: Don’t miss the forest for the trees, Dear Lady. Typos can be corrected, especially online, and focusing too much on those little details may lead to missing the big picture. You’re the one that staff may be e-mailing about, while they wait to launch the new wiki, you are still proofing the proposal for the wiki! A nimble organization can move quickly if not mired in proofing, re-proofing, and proofing one more time a policy change, […]

Disconnects Between Library Culture and Millennial Generation Values

Thought-provoking and insightful article at Educause. Policy Disconnects Drawing a clear line between technology and policy can be difficult. For example, how many of the characteristics of current libraries (identified by the list below) are driven purely by technology or by policy? These traits include: Mainly electronic text-based collections with multimedia content noticeably absent Constructed for individual use but requires users to learn from experts how to access and use information and services Library presence usually “outside” the main online place for student activity (MySpace, iTunes, Facebook, the campus portal, or learning management system) Note that comments are enabled, […]

21 Surefire Tips for a Successful Blog Launch

Goodness but I love numbered lists! Are you starting your library blog? Take a look at: A fave: 2. Don’t get seen naked: Never launch a blog with fewer than 5 posts. In the blogosphere you typically get just one shot at impressing a visitor or fellow blogger. Too many new bloggers throw up two posts and then start working on promotion. In the world of blogging, you are selling yourself and your writing. If you can’t give people a fully dressed picture of what your blog is all about and what type of writing will be on it, […]

Remember Browsing?

bookwall Originally uploaded by acpl. ACPL is on FIRE folks! Ian writes: Allen County Public Library has recently launched a Web feature that casts browsing in a whole new light. Sean Robinson, head of IT Services at ACPL, created a mashup of book covers and information for the books cataloged at ACPL yesterday. This is the new browsing: Check it out!

Search Engine Land

Via Stephens’s Lighthouse: Search Engine Land is a new search news blog launching December 11, 2006. Danny Sullivan, along with Chris Sherman and Barry Schwartz, will be providing information about search engine marketing and how search engines work in general, from a searcher’s perspective. At launch, the site will provide: Original content covering developments in the search space. Daily blog posts covering search news from across the web. SearchCap: A daily email newsletter recapping search news from Search Engine Land and across the web. Also available by feed. SearchCap Monthly: A monthly email newsletter recapping search news over the past […]

A Wider World: Youth, Privacy, and Social Networking Technologies

Via my colleague Jeff up at Traverse Area District Library, comes this article from Tracy Mitrano, Director of IT Policy at Cornell University and the Cornell Director of the EDUCAUSE/Cornell Institute for Computer Policy and Law Program. There’s a lot here, including: Quashing technological advances is never the solution. I genuinely enjoy watching my children dive into new technologies such as iPods and online games or my students demonstrating new uses of search tools or network applications. New technologies alarm us for very real reasons but can and must be addressed in ways that do not crush innovation and […]

Upcoming Presentations (Dec. & 2007)

Just 2 more talks this December: Tuesday December 12, 2006 Top Technology Trends for Librarians, Education Institute Registration & Information for Teleconference Here Thursday, December 14, 2006, Maricopa County Public Library Staff Technology Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. 2007:(More details forthcoming) January, OCLC Symposium, “Who’s Watching Your Space?”, Moderator, ALA Midwinter. January, OCLC’s Raising the Next Gen Sharing Librarian presentation & panel, ALA Midwinter. February, Ontario Library Association Top Tech Trends & best Practices for Social Software in Libraries, Toronto, Ontario. March, Library 2.0, Nassau County Library System, New York.

Internet 2 and Web 2.0

I had a question yesterday in a guest lecture for a Introduction to Reference class: “What’s the difference between Internet 2 and Web 2.0?” Here’s a definition I’ve used form a post at ALA Techsource: Web 2.0 is the next incarnation of the WWW, where digital tools allow users to create, change, and publish dynamic content of all kinds. Other Web 2.0 tools syndicate and aggregate this content. We will all be publishers and creators of our own information and entertainment channels with these applications. Internet 2 is defined on the Internet2 About page as “a not-for-profit advanced networking consortium […]