Monthly Archives: June 2007

34 posts

Building a Social Library

Building a Social Library Originally uploaded by scampion Hi. I’m Steve Campion, System Trainer for Pierce County Library. It’s honor to be asked by Michael to write a guest posting in his blog because hearing him speak last October motivated me to kick-start an entire social web cirriculum and a flurry of activity here. Susan McBride and I started teaching a popular four hour social web literacy class to staff within two months of Michael’s talk. With the social networking buzz going around, our library system created several public blogs, podcasts, a MySpace page, a very active Flickr page, and […]

Is That a Bun in Your Hair, or Are You Just Happy to be a Librarian?

Almost three years ago, during the first week of my shift from urban elementary school teacher to urban library associate, I begged my coworker to quiz me on the subject areas of the Library of Congress system. In the ultimate display of faux-librarian nerdiness, in my lap, I held handwritten LC flashcards. I was determined to become a librarian as quickly as possible, and I was willing to undergo a little on-the-job training to get there. In that symbolic display of enthusiasm, I had taken off my appliqué teacher sweatshirt, and donned my horn-rimmed glasses. My coworker, as a recent […]

READ Poster

READ Poster Originally uploaded by ISU Milner Library Jenny and I are at Illinois State University’s Milner Library teaching a 2 day Library 2.0 Hands On Exploration course. They have the coolest READ posters everywhere – including at their Flickr account. Check it out!

Does Information Flow freely?

Greetings TTW readers! My name is Michael White. I just finished my first year of classes at Dominican University and I was lucky enough to land in Michael’s Introduction to Library and Information Science class last August. Needless to say, I am very honored to be invited to guest post. I’ll confess: I was a little uncertain about what I could bring to the conversation. I’ve been reading, book marking, and subscribing to the RSS feeds of so many great library blogs since last fall and I’ve read so many insightful and thought provoking posts across the Biblioblogosphere these past […]

Notes from an Academic Librarian

Thank you Michael for asking me to guest post to TTW. I enjoy reading TTW and I am a believer in technology but find that there are times when the theory works better than practice. I find that people have to have a comfort level with technology and with their own craft to successfully incorporate technology into their daily work. You have to know it is going to work and you have to be willing to assess it and rework it until you get it right. Hi! I am Donna Goodwyn, Head of Reference and Assistant Professor from the A.C. […]