Group Discussion Originally uploaded by mstephens7 I can pontificate in the classroom for sure (“he’s STILL talking..”) but I think it’s more effective to turn the discussion/thinking/outcomes over to the students as much as possible. Here’s Wednesday night’s discussion assignment based on Chapter 5 of Library 2.0 A Guide to Participatory Library Service by Michael Casey and Laura Savastinuk, InfoToday, 2007: LIS768 Stephens Discussion Questions: Participatory Service & The Long TailGroup Work 1: Each group will select a library service for your type of library. In a few minutes of brainstorming, rework the service to be a Library 2.0 service […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
ester trading card Originally uploaded by champaign_librarian The Champaign Public Library is using these trading cards to get to know our middle school clients. If the student collects 12 different cards, he or she wins a prize.
Measuring a phenomenon requires attention to reliability and validity. I used John Creswell’s Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (2nd Edition) as a valuable guide to the process. Creswell noted the need for validating qualitative research and describes several primary strategies of doing so, including triangulation, member-checking, use of rich, thick description, clarification of the bias of the researcher, presentation of negative or discrepant information, peer debriefing, use of an external auditor, and prolonged time in the field of study (p. 196). For my study, I chose to clarify my own biases, detail my prolonged participation in the […]
LeAnn Suchy, Reference & Information Literacy Librarian at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University Clemens Library in St. Joseph, Minnesota writes: I was one of the people attending your speech at the MN Library 2.0 Summit in Roseville on the 14th of this month. I mentioned information about PBwiki and you asked me to write you a little blurb about it for your blog, so here is the information I know: PBwiki, an easy-to-use, free wiki program, wants to make presenting information about wikis even easier. If you’re giving a presentation about how to use PBwiki or wikis in […]
Librarians in Smocks – Shush 2.0 Originally uploaded by CCL Staff Those smocks! checkout the fun some New Zealand librarians are having with Flickr showing off the smocks used in the 70s to protect clothes from dust. Thanks to Brenda Chawner for the link.
Some folks have asked about my dissertation. Last I heard it’s number 85 in line for the university reader. So I thought I’d share one of the sections here. This is the analysis of the question “Why do you blog?” To share information or insight Sharing is important to the blogging librarians who responded. For this category, 76 respondents had this response, which is 40% of the total. A prevalent word in this answer set was sharing. Respondents used phrases such as “to contribute to the profession,” “to serve the profession,” and “to inspire.” Two types of information seemed to […] 1. It taps into the user-generated content trend. 2. It extends the presence of the library out into a thriving social space. 3. It demonstrates how to easily set up a photo sharing extension of the library – complete with a brief disclaimer. 4. It gets folks to think about what book they would want to pose with. 5. It seamlessly allows patrons to participate with the library in building a unique view of what the library is about. Thanks Hennepin!
Henry Jenkins posts about new CMS graduate student orientation at MIT, including a book discussion! Another highlight of today’s events will be our book discussion. Each year, we choose a recent book in the field of media studies (or a sampler of recent articles) which we ask all of the students to read over the summer. The books are selected because they embody key themes or topics which shape our instructional and research efforts for the coming year. The books become a shared reference point for our community — in the weeks leading up to the student’s arrival and in […]
I almost lost it when I read, in Cheryl Oats’ comment, “..someone told me they didn’t want to learn one more new thing, they didn’t like new things..“ I would want to ask, “You call yourself a teacher?” Who more than teachers should be willing and eager to learn new things? Calming myself back down again, I have to remind myself that technology is anything that was invented after you were born. Our kids, as Jeff reminds us, grew up with computers and the Internet. They become so accomplished with these tools because it’s play for them. I think that […]
Chris Harris, a tad frustrated about his LIS education, has some questions: If I had to join an e-mail list and ask a question for class, here are some I might toss out… How are you marketing and branding your library to maintain visibility in your school? What are your primary tools for continued professional development, and how do you squeeze those activities in to an otherwise overwhelming schedule? What will be my biggest challenge as a first year librarian, and what can I do now in library school to better prepare myself? How would you define your relationship […]