Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Dominican Students in MySpace Contest

Joy writes: Lisa Schoblasky and Kelly Reiss – Dominican library grad students, fellow Newberry workers, and all around swell gals – took Kate Williams’ library research methods class spring semester. Their final project was a study analyzing how public libraries use My Space. Lisa and Kelly used My Space as a means of gathering research participants and as a platform to share and discuss their results. Their My Space site is entered in the Redeye MySpace Popularity Contest. They’ve advanced into the “Elite Eight”!!!! Please vote for their site and get them into the final round!!!! Go to Scroll […]

Down With DRM -0 A TTW Guest Post by Eric Whitfield

I can no longer recall the exact date, but at some point in the recent past I stepped over the line and became a criminal. I didn’t steal from anyone’s home. I certainly didn’t cause anyone physical harm. In fact, I didn’t even leave my office chair. Nevertheless, my dastardly deed landed me squarely on the wrong side of the law. So what had I done? Well, I had removed the embedded DRM from a digital music file. A music file I purchased. Legally. Confused? Yeah, me too. Let me start with a short primer for the unfamiliar. DRM, or […]

What story are you telling?

Hi, Pete Bromberg of Library Garden here, honored and pleased as punch to be guest-posting for Michael on TTW. A few days ago the New York Times published a fascinating piece on the importance of telling our stories. Researchers have long known, and any parent or teacher will quickly confirm, that our brains are wired for storytelling, and we are much more likely to remember facts if they are presented in story, rather than given to us as a string or list of items. The Times article focuses on a growing body of research that suggests that the stories we […]

They Need a Person

Hi, I’m the Feel-good Librarian and I’m honored to be your guest poster for today. I’m a faithful reader of TTW. Although my library doesn’t use all the technologies that are talked about here, TTW is my line to learning about them, thinking about how we COULD use them and using some of them myself. That said, anyone who reads my blog knows that for me, people are first. Customer service is my thing. Technology is cool because it takes the library where the patrons are. It improves customer service by giving us more interaction points. It gives patrons the […]

Future of Information Service – Job Opening

My friend and colleague Sharon Wiseman shared this job description with me. Take a look: Manager, Information Services Do you know what the future of information services looks like? Come shape reference with us by leading a talented staff through the next evolution in customer-centered reference. We are looking for a fearless librarian/leader with passion, vision and commitment who knows how to think both inside and outside of the box. The position requires an MLS from an accredited school with a minimum of three years library experience including supervising, motivating, and guiding staff. Customer service experience highly desirable. Salary range […]

Generation Jones

Hi Everyone, my name is Michael Colford, and I am the on the Senior Management Team of the Boston Public Library in charge of Regional Services. When Michael asked me to guest blog on Tame the Web, I was both surprised and honored. I’ve done a fair bit of blogging, but not a whole lot in the library profession. That said, in my position at the BPL, I do a whole lot of talking up of using technology in the support of public service, and meeting users where they are using Social Networking and other Library 2.0 tools. I thought […]

Library Books versus Gaming

A blog post describing a teacher’s personal reservations about allowing students certain types of technology use, on a blog site that promotes technology and libraries may seem paradoxical, but here it goes. By the way, my name is Michael Westfall and I’m a media information specialist in a Chicago public elementary school and a Dominican University LIS graduate student. A big thank you to Michael Stephens for allowing me to get my voice out there. So here is my issue: I don’t like kids playing games on the computers in my library because I feel it is at the expense […]

Lonely? Just call the library!

This is Janie from Library Garden making an appearance as a guest blogger for TTW (and am quite honored to be included). I will be back with something a little more thoughtful at a later point, but I just came across this article and had to post it here because it is HOT — and I so wanted a reason to use that word legitimately while guest blogging for Michael 😉 It is all over the news tonight — the main public library in Vienna, Austria is fundraising with a hotline to erotica! Oh yeah… that is HOT alright! What […]

Minds Turned Off

Who knew guest blogging could get the blood rushing so much? When I got Michael’s e-mail about a week ago I was, well, surprised but pumped. I’ve been chilling out over at my own blog, The Corkboard for a few months doing some random musings, reflections, and the occasional techy DIY posts that were typically non-library related. I’m a senior undergraduate at Elmhurst College studying English and secondary education and I’m currently student teaching at a west suburban school outside of Chicago. I’ll be attending Dominican University in the fall for my masters in library and information science. Want to […]