Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Blogger’s Code of Conduct

Via Janie at Library Garden: 1. We take responsibility for our own words and reserve the right to restrict comments on our blog that do not conform to basic civility standards. 2. We won’t say anything online that we wouldn’t say in person. 3. If tensions escalate, we will connect privately before we respond publicly. 4. When we believe someone is unfairly attacking another, we take action. 5. We do not allow anonymous comments. 6. We ignore the trolls. 7. We encourage blog hosts to enforce more vigorously their terms of service. I’d add here my Points of Unity […]

See You in Sturbridge!

Please say hi if you are attending the Massachusetts Library Association meeting! Here’s our program: Friday at 1:45-3:00pm Blog’s Eye View: Three Industry Bloggers Talk About Library Trends Jessa Crispin, Jenny Levine, Michael Stephens Blogs have evolved well beyond the personal online journals that gave the dynamic web application its start. Now, many blogs report on specific areas of interest, books and libraries are no exception The best bloggers are actively reporting on the latest industry trends and innovations within their field, and the biblioblogosphere is spear-headed by a supergroup of several visionaries. Discover what this panel of widely-read […]

Upcoming Presentations

May 4, 2007. Massachusetts Library Association. Blog’s Eye View:Three Industry Bloggers Talk about Library Trends, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. May 7, 2007. Rural Libraries 2.0 Conference Keynote with Jenny Levine. Traverse City, Michigan. 🙂 May 17 & 18, 2007. Library 2.0. Mohawk Valley Library System, New York state. June 6 & 7 Social Software & Libraries Roadshow, Illinois State University, with Jenny Levine. June 12, 2007. Keynote: Library 2.0. Ohio Tech Connections 8, Dublin, Ohio. June 15, 2007. Keynote, Mississippi Library 2.0 Summit, Mississippi State University. ALA Annual 2007: June 22, 2007. Preconference: Reinvented Reference III: Emerging Technologies for Reference Service Keynote: […]

Netflix at Exeter

Jenny reports that Exter PL in Rhode Island is using Netflix: Take a look at the comments at the EPL post as well: Please let us know how it goes, Exeter library folk!

Breakfast with the Connecting Librarian

I got to meet Michelle McLean in person this morning. I got up early and we had a nice breakfast out at Oak Brook. She’s from Australia and has been in the States for 3 weeks, visiting libraries and attending CIL 2007. Our discussion was all over the board – and the world. Australian libraries, American libraries, the advent of Web 2.0, LIS education and we discovered we share the SAME birthday – 5/23/65! Thanks for a great morning Michelle. If you haven’t visited her blog, take a look for in depth coverage of library visits and CIL: Also, […]

Rules Rules and More Rules

A post about rules from Library Yarns: So, I was at work today, once again enforcing rules that I don’t agree with. Three people are working in a conference room on their laptop. They need to print. They ask if they can use one of our patron computers and attach their thumb drive. No problem so far. Turns out that they don’t have a library card and we have a strictly enforced rule that you cannot, no way, no how use our computers without one. I try to use mental telepathy to encourage them to tell me they are from […]

Scholarly Vs. Popular Journals at YouTube

Rachel writes: Eli Moody, the brains behind the academic library cartoon strip Search & Research ( did a cool video on Scholarly vs. Popular Journals here at Vanderbilt University ( I think it’s wonderful that someone so talented can find new and creative ways to reach out to the users. Oh yeah!

Gaming Librarian Appointed News from McMaster University: The University Library is pleased to announce the appointment of Shawn McCann to the position of Immersive Learning (Gaming) Librarian. Shawn comes to us from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan where he is the Digital Projects Librarian and has also held the position Web Librarian. Shawn’s official start date is August 1 2007. Shawn’s primary responsibility will be for exploring, creating, supporting and promoting library resources through gaming and virtual worlds. In particular, he brings strong technical skills; library experience; grant writing; classroom teaching experience; and, of course, a personal interest in gaming. Thos […]