Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

We’re Doing a Signing in Texas!

We’re Doing a Signing in Texas! Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Jenny and I are presenting “Library 2.0: User-Centric Technologies and Environments” Thursday morning at the Texas Library Association from 10:15am until 11:50. Afterward, ALA TechSource has asked us to swing by the booth (Booth # 2741) and sign copies of our Library Technology Reports. I signed at ALA MidWinter and it was fun meeting the folks who stopped by. If you are attending TxLA, please stop by and say HI. Web 2.0 & Libraries Gaming & Libraries AND I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the […]

MedLine, circa 1978

MedLine, circa 1978 Originally uploaded by Johnjron1. “Computers help librarians provide information.” Don’t miss John Ronald’s set of “Librariana.” He emailed me a note yesterday pointing to the set and this image of early MedLine access. We’ve come a long way.

$.50 per 15min for Internet access

$.50 per 15min for Internet access Originally uploaded by Travelin’ Librarian. Read the fine print. I am really wondering what has prompted this library to offer access for .50 for 15 minutes with no CD, USB or “Excel, Adobe…” etc. Follow the other links as well. Can someone fill me in? I’ll be using this in class when we discuss access and “library as place.”

Information Design for the New Web

My heart is breaking that I will miss Ellyssa Kroski’s presentation at CIL on Monday, April 16th. THIS IS ONE NOT TO MISS! Information design for the Web has changed. People are changing the way that they consume online information, as well as their expectations about its delivery. The social nature of the Web brings with it an expectation of interaction with information and modern Web design is reflecting that. There are now alternate forms of navigation including the ability to browse by user, tag clouds, tabbed navigation etc. Advances in technology along with these shifts in user expectations […]

Upcoming Presentations

April 3, 2007. Web 2.0 & Libraries. National-Louis/Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois. April 12, 2007. Library 2.0 with Jenny Levine. Texas Library Association. San Antonio, Texas. April 19, 2007. Rethinking Resource Sharing, Keynote. Big Ten Conference Center, Park Ridge, Illinois April 26, 2007. Southwest Florida Library Network Technology Day. Toward Library 2.0. Naples, Florida. April 27, 2007. Charleston Public Library Staff Day, Charleston, SC. May 4, 2007. Massachusetts Library Association. Blog’s Eye View:Three Industry Bloggers Talk about Library Trends, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. May 7, 2007. Rural Libraries 2.0 Conference Keynote with Jenny Levine. Traverse City, Michigan. ๐Ÿ™‚ May 17 & 18, 2007. […]

Synching a PDA at Convent of the Sacred Heart HS

synching a pda Originally uploaded by Meg Canada. Meg Canada interwiewed me for a YALS article the week. In the course of our IM discussion she mentioned a school she just visited in San Francisco that gives students PDAs and has sync station in the school. I found an older article about it here: The other thing Meg told me about is they do not filter the computers there. They’ve adopted a commitment to “wise freedom.” One of the goals of the school is to educate students to achieve “personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.” I wonder […]

If You’re Not Gaming Jenny writes: Erik and Jaap, our February visitors from the public library in Delft, Holland, returned home safely and quickly got to work putting together the 40-minute documentary they filmed about innovation in libraries, particularly around gaming. It premiered a couple of weeks ago to great reviews, and now they’re working on an English version. Until it’s ready, you can watch a trailer on the DOK website. Catch a glimpse of Michael Stephens wii bowling and Clare and me playing Guitar Hero. Cool! AND they use the live version of “Big Love” from Fleetwood Mac’s The Dance! More from […]