Yearly Archives: 2007

564 posts

Upcoming Presentations

March 15, 2007. Library 2.0 & Emerging Technologies, Skokie Public Library Staff Workshop, Skokie, Illinois. March 23, 2007. Library 2.0: Planning, People & Participation. Workshop for Capital Area Library Directors. Williamsburg, Virginia. April 12, 2007. Library 2.0 with Jenny Levine. Texas Library Association. San Antonio, Texas. April 26, 2007. Southwest Florida Library Network Technology Day. Toward Library 2.0. Naples, Florida. April 27, 2007. Charleston Public Library Staff Day, Charleston, SC. May 4, 2007. Massachusetts Library Association. Blog’s Eye View:Three Industry Bloggers Talk about Library Trends, Sturbridge, Massachusetts. May 7, 2007. Rural Libraries 2.0 Conference Keynote with Jenny Levine. Traverse City, […]

Schneider pens an Open Letter to the LOC This rocks my world. I want all of my students to read this and ponder not only the future of books and description but the future of libraries. It is both ironic and poignant that librarians are still worrying about “bibliographic control,” after ceding so much of the same to the companies that now rent them journal access per annum at usurious rates, digitize their book collections into DRM obscurity, or sell them ponderous, antiquated “management” systems that on close inspection do little more than serve as storehouses for the metadata specific to the formats of bygone eras, bold […]

Thanks Kankakee PL!

Kankakee PL Podcast Originally uploaded by mstephens7. I was honored to have Allison Beasley and Steve Bertrand visit the campus of Dominican University to chat with me last week for one of their BiblioTech Podcasts. It was a fun conversation. Wechatted for almost an hour in one of the GSLIS meeting rooms, with a snazzy little device recording us.

How Did You Celebrate Teen Tech Week?

staff Originally uploaded by teens_libraryloft. I’ve had fun following some libraries that did innovative programs and such for Teen Tech Week. If you didn’t put it on your schedule, plan ahead for next year. Gaming, explorations of technology, recording podcasts or videocasts are all fun things to do to engage young people. And just look at those smiling PLCMCV staff!

Timothy’s Research Project

I am most impressed with Timothy Grieg’s post about his research project for his Masters: [My] project seeks to develop a framework for the ways in which game design and e-learning theories might inform the future design and development of library interfaces within virtual world environments by considering an example of an emerging online library, the Second Life Library, and the experiences of users and virtual librarians using the service. Read his whole post here: